People of Interest

Secret Societies / Foreign Spies Attempting Coup

While the multi-nationals prepare for war against the American people most folks are distracted. Back off the Left Right food fight. Enemies are embedded on both sides. One must understand … the goals.
Georgia Guides Stone Protocols... Disarmament of the people… ending the 2nd Amendment.
Neutralizing the people by … sensationalism and promotion of perversion and Blackmail by the Deep State.

False Flags

Fiona Hill Deep State Mole / Atlantic Council / Pilgrims Society / Name of Whistleblower

Adam Schiff’s Deep State network that encompasses the Sex Trafficking , Pedophilia , Blackmail, Secret Societies is all about World Control and “Intelligence Agencies.

As has been politics. G. Edward Griffin’s Freedom Force sold as a cure to conspiracy … is a cover-up.

Disinformation about American political facts of life and shielding his members from the facts of the participation by Ronald Reagan, the Ripon Society and Main Street Republicans.

Griffin has consistently … rejected his advisor’s warnings that politics is an Intelligence Operation.

It is plain as day that the ongoing impeachment headed by ‘THE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE” … with secret society members. And it’s chair and members were funded by the Lavender Lobby. … Ed Buck.

Fiona Hill has worked with Soro … but more important with the Pilgrim Society.

People around the world who want to live as free individuals … need to expose and take apart the Pilgrim Society and the 5th Column Republican Groups mentioned above; READ ON:


Have A Story?

If you have a story that you think I would be interested in, please contact me here. Please allow up to 48 hours for me to respond, thank you!

Gary Richard Arnold

This site is not only to identify as many political, economic and ideological pieces on this chessboard of the world… but to show one how the various pieces move.

By knowing their origins, funding, sometimes “takeover” and neutralization allows a person striving for freedom to become a player in your own destiny.